IPTOP Webinar End-of-Life Care in Dementia
IPTOP anordnar en konferens om vård av dementa i livets slutskede. Bland annat handlar det om den palliativa vården för dessa patienter i USA. Det ges också en översikt av forskningen på vården av demenssjuka i livets slutskede.
In this IPA webinar, Dr. Maria Lapid will review the clinical aspects of late-stage dementia, including end-of-life issues, and provide an overview of how palliative and hospice care as defined and practiced in the United States are relevant and applicable to these critical stages. Prof. Dr. Lieve Van den Block will review important developments in end-of-life and palliative care research for people with dementia and their family carers, focusing on innovative health service research and social models of care for people with dementia, on effectiveness of palliative care models for nursing homes, and on views of people with dementia and their family carers on advance care planning.