Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Sök Logga in Bli medlem


12 juni - 14 juni


09:00 - 15:00



Ageing in a transforming world

Svensk geriatrisk förening bjuder in brett till nordisk konferens om geriatrik i Stockholm i juni. Forskare, experter, beslutsfattare, frivilligorganisationer och andra är välkomna. Föreningen vill att de nordiska länderna agerar mer proaktivt för äldres hälsa, speciellt i tider av klimatförändringar, pandemi och krig då äldre är bland de som blir extra sårbara.

On behalf of the Swedish Gerontological Society, the Swedish Geriatric Association, Karolinska Institutet, and the Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF), we invite you to join the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (NKG) to share your knowledge and engagement with ageing in a transforming world.

The world is constantly changing, but recent crises including climate change, the pandemic and wars suggest rapid and profound transformations in living conditions. During such challenging periods, certain groups in the population including older adults and frail individuals may be particularly susceptible to negative consequences.

At the 27th NKG congress, we want to explore how researchers from different scientific disciplines and practitioners can come together to bring new insights that facilitate better living conditions for older adults and contribute to the sustainable development of current and future generations. We believe that the Nordic countries can take a more active role in promoting healthy ageing globally. This includes being forerunners in research and practice on increasingly important issues with implications for older adults, such as equity, global health, living conditions, migration, welfare technology, and the organisation of health and social care.

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