Nyhetsbrev IFPOHE (April 2024)
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Dear Member Organisations,
We bring you the IFPOHE April 2024 Newsletter, the second of the year, please share with your members.
IFPOHE Committee Meetings – key points
• An Executive Committee meeting was held on 13th February 2024, we continued to plan upcoming education webinar sessions and remain welcome to your ideas and feedback.
• We discussed Tokyo 2025 and how we could work with other WP subgroups. Information released regarding congress - Symposium Abstracts submission closes 25th April 2024. The call
for Abstracts for presentations will be open from June 20th 2024 - 3rd October 2024, see Key dates
• World Physiotherapy Leadership Programme for subgroup Executive Committee members, have held sessions focused on: Project management, Advocacy, Strategic and business planning,
Finance and reporting. The final information session will be in May on Membership.
• The World Physiotherapy Treasurers meeting was held on 5th February 2024. Pros and cons of fees and collection were discussed.
• An Executive Committee meeting was held on April 16th. The next is scheduled for May 14th 2024.
There have been no new requests for membership since January 2024.
Regional Activities
The Nordic countries IFPOHE Member Organisations have connected via digital meetings on a regular basis, every second month. They plan a face-to-face meeting in the future and are found to be a great way of connecting and sharing information.
The Asia Western Pacific region subgroup leaders met for the first time in February 2024. This was an informal way of getting to meet each other and we plan additional future meetings.
Upcoming IFPOHE Working Together Webinars
(i) Topic: 'Expanding environmental concerns in occupational health and ergonomics’
Speakers: Filip Maric (Norway) and Augustine Appah Acquah (Ghana) from the Environmental Physiotherapy Association https://environmentalphysio.com/
Date: Tuesday 28th May 2024. Time: 10.00 UTC/GMT
Facilitator: Dr Jessica Stanhope (Australia)
Link to register: https://forms.gle/zGiMTi9osMR2Fcv1A
(ii) Topic: Global Standards
Speakers: Shane Meys (New Zealand), Barb McPhee (Australia)
Date: TBC September 2024 (Details to follow)
(iii) Topic: Functional Capacity Assessment Date: November 2024 (Details to follow)
On 5th March 2024 we held our first IFPOHE webinar of the year which discussed sitting versus standing desks. The two experienced speakers, Wim Grooten (Sweden) and Venerina Johnston (Australia) updated us with information about the topic and we thank them very much. We thank Dr Zyra Sicat (Philippines) for facilitating the webinar.
You might like to visit some of our presenters recent articles – for example:
-Smith, M. D., Vicenzino, B., Brown, W. J., Gilson, N. D., Gane, E. M., & Johnston, V. (2022). Symptom characteristics in office workers using standing workstations: A cross-sectional study. Brazilian Journal
of Physical Therapy, 26(2), 100393.
-Zerguine, H., Johnston, V., Healy, G. N., Abbott, A., & Goode, A. D. (2021). Usage of sit-stand workstations: benefits and barriers from decision makers’ perspective in Australia. Applied Ergonomics, 94, 103426.
-Grooten, W. J., Conradsson, D., Äng, B. O., & Franzén, E. (2013). Is active sitting as active as we think?. Ergonomics, 56(8), 1304-1314.
Global Standards Document
In the March 2024 Newsletter the new Standards for Occupational Health Physiotherapy Practice were circulated, and feedback requested. We thank those who gave feedback very much.
Several Member Organisations suggested that instead of being termed ‘Occupational Health Physiotherapists’ throughout the document, the term should incorporate Ergonomics eg ‘Physiotherapists working in Occupational Health and Ergonomics’.
As a result we want to learn what physiotherapists in this field call themselves in each of our Member Organisations. We also want to find out what educational resources/training our Member Organisations members need and already have, and if any resources are freely available to share. A Questionnaire, is being developed by to be completed by each Member Organisation about the Standards and about Educational requirements. We aim to send out soon.
Other feedback on the Standards has included some changes to phrases, the suggestion of naming risk management more overtly and the correction of some typing errors. One member organisation raised the need for a future educational framework to equip practitioners for work in this field. The Standards are currently written in English only. If you or a colleague might like to volunteer to translate the document into your own language please let us know.
International conferences and webinars
• ICOH 2024 Marrakesh, Morocco, “Enhancing Occupational Health and Research Practices” (April 28th – May 3rd). Vice President Yvonne van Zaanen info@visiek.nl will be there and would be delighted to meet you - or organise a meeting moment for IFPOHE members - please contact
Yvonne if you would like to meet.
• WP Congress Tokyo May 2025 – Kjerstin Stigmar from the Executive Committee is taking the lead on IFPOHE related activities in collaboration with our Japanese colleague Ms Kaori Suwa. Watch for future information. Start thinking about submitting an Abstract! Any ideas please share with Kjerstin kjerstin.stigmar@med.lu.se
Other webinars and information
NIVA Education free webinar (Nordic region) https://niva.org/courses/webinars/ November 2024 Prolonging Working Life among Senior Workers MSD prevention for Ontario
Guidelines and resources: https://www.msdprevention.com/
If you are aware of any new relevant research that we should share, please contact us to put the citation in a subsequent Newsletter
Please get in touch with any feedback or suggestions of how we can best help connect you to others and provide suitable resources.
With regards from
The IFPOHE Executive Committee
Rose Boucaut (Australia, rose.boucaut@unisa.edu.au ), Yvonne van Zaanen (The Netherlands, info@visiek.nl), Marisa Coetzee (South Africa, ifpohe.worldphysiotherapy@gmail.com), Vasiliki Sakellari (Greece), Kjerstin Stigmar (Sweden), Beatriz Sanz-Bustillo (Spain), Tracey Atkinson (United Kingdom), Daijo Shiratsuchi (Japan).